If you own a home you can no longer afford, we will buy it from you quickly and discretely.
If you have lost a loved one who owned a home and you need to get in touch with the bank but can’t, we understand the steps needed to get it in your name so we can buy it from you.
If you have a home in need of renovations you can’t afford, we buy your home as is.
If you have a spouse who has incurred significant debt, we buy your home at a price that benefits all parties.
Carolyn and Lily started Aloha Property Network to make sure stressed, frustrated, anxious, and confused homeowners wouldn’t be alone in navigating challenging processes. Their expertise in property management, real estate, legal issues, and financial challenges makes them highly qualified to provide exceptional services for homeowners who want to sell but might not know how due to unique circumstances.
Janet and David's daughter, Malia, got a full athletic scholarship to a prestigious private school in Oahu. They made sure she had the best equipment, participated in all the events, and stayed registered in every team throughout the year. Each summer was full of mainland tournaments. Because Malia was so busy with sports, she needed tutoring to keep up her grades. When the economy got bad, one Janet lost her job, and then David did too.
When the bank threatened foreclosure, Aloha Property Network helped to find a specialist that could get a modification loan approved. However, employment was unstable, and the couple soon found themselves in foreclosure again, only this time with the condo association. This was stressful. This time Aloha Property Network found a rental whose rent was lower than the couple’s mortgage and condo association fees. The couple sold their condo to Aloha Property Network, which relieved them of their struggle to make monthly ends meet and gave them enough money to allow their daughter to continue pursuing her athletic dreams.
Adam and Beth had great jobs. Adam owned his own business, and Beth worked at a private school. Beth's brother and parents moved in, but weren’t paying for rent or food or utilities. Beth's mother loved to shop so she gave her a credit card. They would shop together as quality time.
One day, Adam found unopened bills—it was about $125,000 worth of unpaid credit card debt. They had to sell their house quickly to satisfy their debts fast. We bought their home, meaning they could pay off their debts without going bankrupt.
A couple, Denise and Fred, were living in West Oahu when the husband’s mother, in her 90’s, fell and was severely injured. They moved her in to live with them so they could make sure she was safe. Expenses for the move, the equipment for his mother’s care and minor renovations to the bathroom became costly. And since both Fred and Denise worked, they had to hire someone to be with the husband’s mother during the day.
They decided they had to sell his mom’s house but didn’t want to tell anyone. The house had a lot of stuff, and neither of them had the time or the energy to figure out how to get rid of everything. Additionally, the house was older and needed a ton of updating. The husband did not want anyone to find out that he was selling the house, as he didn’t want to be judged because of all the stuff that accumulated in the house. Aloha Property Network provided monies for the purchase of the house within a couple weeks. The couple never looked back.
(all names are fictitious)